A Life Update

So much has happened since I last posted. So many exciting things, a couple scary things, some challenging but overall its been great. We enjoyed our first summer in the city. We explored all the new places in our neighborhood. Visited our beach, museums, parks and restaurants! We did so much and we got the tan lines to prove it! hah

Here's a few updates on whats been going on in my life;

Infertility update. Last I wrote I was going in to get some tests done through my obgyn. A blood test to check some levels and an hsg ultrasound to check my fallopian tubes. Both came tests came back normal. And I was diagnosed with the dreaded "unexplained infertility" ugh, those words they are the worst to hear. I think any words are awful to hear when talking about your fertility. But after that appointment I felt like I had a heavy cloud hanging over me. My dr. told me to wait six months and come back if I still hadn't conceived. We are coming up on the 6 month mark in October So we'll see until then. Luckily our insurance will cover fertility testing but we can't officially get it covered until November so we are in a waiting game until then.

Duke update. Duke started four year old preschool this fall! Its crazy how when that moment hits its like a small jab in the stomach you cant believe your first born your little baby boy has made it here already. He's getting so big so tall strong. He's got this whole personality, he has thoughts, dreams, opinions. I love watching and listening to him everyday and I look forward to it every day. He loves school and learning and is so excited every morning to go to school and then to come home and show off what he has learned and is always practicing his letters! He's the sweetest has a heart of gold and the energy of a tornado.

Ruby Update. My baby girl is growing! She's no longer a baby and thats a tough pill to swallow! Shes growing out of her baby fat and keeping up with her big brother. I just want to keep her with me all the time and enjoy this moment of her being so little before she starts school in the winter.

My blog and Instagram! I figured I should up date on this because why not! My page is growing and its so interesting and fun and exciting. Everyday I get to see some of the results of my work I put into it and its so fun and rewarding. My page began as an outlet for me when I started staying home with the kids. Something for me to focus on and do just for myself and it has turned into a small little business for me which has been amazing. I still have so much to learn but seriously everyday I get to be on there and share with friends is so much fun and so rewarding. I can't wait to keep growing!

I've got some fun blog posts that I'm going to do in the upcoming months. Because I really need to get back into writing! So be on the lookout for some new posts in the next few weeks :) I've got to go wipe a butt now...

so until next time

